Friday, February 13, 2009

My Kind of Politics

My political views would qualify as conservative and I am not ashamed to admit that I have strong Christian values. That being said, I still believe in the separation of church and state. Christianity is a world view, it affects how I view the world and how I decide what's right and wrong. If I did not carry over my beliefs into politics, I would not be living consistently with my world view. However, those are my beliefs but if I were to abandon those ideas I strongly believe I would hold many of the same political ideas (however ignorant those ideas may be), simply because I think republicans are a bit more logical and make more sense. Don't get me wrong, I was glad to see a black president even though I don't fully agree with some of his ideas. Still, I am not a strong advocate for either party.

A million, million

I am going to very briefly discuss the recent stimulus bill that has passed based on the comments by Dick Morris. In no way do I pretend to understand fully the details, and these comments are completely my opinion reasoned with little political knowledge I poses. From what I can gather, the government is going to spend nearly a trillion dollars in order to "bail out" people and finical institutions and create new jobs in order to save our economy (I also heard a billion dollars was going to NASA? how is that going to help?). In Morris's article he argues that this bill will not help the economy, but passes the debt on to the government. This idea makes a lot of sense to me for several reasons, where is this money coming from? I'd like to know. 

I think this 800 page bill is being taken to lightly, a few weeks is not long enough to figure out how to spend a trillion dollars. I think the government should hold people and companies accountable for their actions and should do as little and spend as little to help. Again, this just seems to be the logical thing to do in my opinion, I am welcoming comments on different views.